
We correct malocclusion in terms of functionality and aesthetics

Orthodontic treatment allows not only to enjoy an even smile but also to prevent periodontal diseases and enhance chewing comfort.

Orthodontics is a field of dentistry that involves the treatment of malocclusion and maxillofacial defects in adults and children. This is done with the help of various orthodontic devices, selected individually depending on the age and problem of the Patient.

What are the benefits of orthodontic treatment?

Malocclusions are not only aesthetic problems but also often the cause of caries and periodontal diseases. Correcting these irregularities helps regain comfort, both in terms of visual appeareance and functionality.

appearance of the face

The arrangement of the teeth affects not only the smile but also the appearance of the entire face. Orthodontic treatment can compensate for deformations caused by incorrect development of the jaw or teeth.

teeth cleaning

People with uneven teeth have an increased risk of caries and periodontal diseases. It is caused by the accumulation of plaque in hard-to-reach spaces.

chewing quality

An even bite affects the proper functioning of the chewing mechanism, and thus increases the comfort of eating and prevents diseases of the digestive tract.

A straighter smile in just a few months

At Centrum Estetique, we provide orthodontic treatment with fixed braces and transparent aligners.

The bite correction method is selected based on thorough diagnostics. We take digital and X-ray images and take dental impressions or scan the dentition to make digital diagnostic models. This enables to select and carefully plan the optimal treatment for a given Patient.

There is no upper age limit for orthodontic treatment, and you can start at any age. However, it is best to come for the first checkup at the age of 5-6 years, and if necessary – even earlier. The dentist will be able to assess whether the bite is developing properly and suggest treatment if needed. Modern bite correction methods give visible results after only a few months.

Fixed braces

We offer this type of braces to children, adolescents, and adults. Fixed braces are made of archwires, bands and brackets – you can choose from metal or aesthetic. Aesthetic brackets help reduce the visibility of braces, because its colour matches the shade of the teeth.


Orthodontic treatment with aligners is dedicated to adolescents and adults, as well as children from the age of about 11. Treatment with Secret Ortho aligners corrects malocclusions with individually designed aligners changed every 1-2 weeks. The aligners are transparent, making them hardly visible. Digital planning of orthodontic treatment allows us to present a simulation of tooth movement and the planned end result.

występują niewielkie możliwości leczenia, ale już na tym etapie warto zwrócić uwagę i obserwować:

  • zgryzy krzyżowe, tyłozgryzy;
  • nawyki (np. wciąganie wargi), niemowlęcy tryb połykania, oddychanie ustami.

leczymy dzieci aparatami ruchomymi: 

  • w przypadku wad zębowych, zgryzów krzyżowych, tyłozgryzów, zgryzów otwartych są duże szanse na całkowite wyleczenie, jeśli rozpocznie się leczenie w odpowiednim momencie; 
  • należy obserwować, czy występują nawyki (np. wciąganie wargi), niemowlęcy tryb połykania, oddychanie ustami.

Our orthodontists

At Centrum Estetique, we provide comprehensive dental care for children, adults, and seniors.

Piotr Stawiński


Secret Ortho specialists

Correcting malocclusion with individually designed aligners.

Paweł Szuba-Paszkiewicz


Natalia Pochroń-Sawka


Magdalena Kalata


Price list

Orthodontic consultation with a treatment plan (during this comprehensive visit, a specialist presents possible options for orthodontic treatment) PLN 500

Do you need orthodontic treatment?

Schedule a consultation.

Are you concerned that the cost of the procedure might be too high for you?

You don’t have to pay the whole amount right away. You can easily divide the payment into convenient installments using the MediRat system, and start treatment now.